Online Safety for Adolescent Girls – Parents Workshop Series

The Adolescent Girls and Their Bodies program was developed by Women and their Bodies with the support of the National Insurance Institute Fund for Development of Services for Children and Youth at Risk, and the Israel Internet Association. The program addresses a variety of topics related to the body, health, and healthy sexuality of girls with an emphasis on internet dangers and safety. The program offers workshops across the country for groups of young women and girls, education and healthcare professionals, and parents. The content of the workshops is adapted to religion, culture, age and language (Hebrew, Arabic, Russian).

Program content: Workshop series for parents

Most homes in Israel have an internet connection, whether on a computer or cellphone. In fact, the internet is a significant element of family life – in both its good and bad aspects. The incessant activity of young people online makes parents feel a lack of control, and no small measure of concern. This series will address the question: Where do their online searches take them? We’ll expand on everything that happens online, its influence, minimizing the danger and increasing safety, and the internet as an educational and influential factor on body image, sexuality, and abuse. The emphasis of the program is online safety and dangers for adolescent girls, but it will also discuss these topics in relation to boys, as well as young girls.
The workshops are held in three sessions of two academic hours each, once a week, for groups of up to 15 participants. The workshops for parents are an experiential process, conducted by an experienced group facilitator from the WTB team, adapted to the nature of the group. All our group facilitators have completed a full course of training (400 class hours) in group facilitation from one of the recognized academic institutions and undergo comprehensive training in the organization.

The workshop series includes content in the following areas:

Internet safety and dangers: Where do they go online, what we need to know, how can we influence and protect them, what are the long- and short-term effects? We will discuss the existing online dangers, identifying and dealing with them, and the approach when needed. We will also talk about the many advantages of the internet, alongside questions such as: parental supervision yes or no? Setting an example as much as we as adults can be for the messages we want to present regarding safe habits for internet use, and how to establish an open and honest channel of communication.
Adolescence, body image, and eating: Adolescence and its influences, the complex relationship of young girls with the ideal female image as reflected in media and online. We’ll discuss the place of social media and networks on building body image, on coping, and ways on the individual and social level to build a positive body image. Red flags we must learn to identify, because young girls are at higher risk for eating disorders and self-harm, with their tendency to acting in and harming their body. In addition, there is also the negative influence of online comments, groups and challenges that encourage risky behavior, and more.

Healthy sexuality in the technology age:

When should we talk to young girls about sex? How do they learn about it? Do they practice sexting? What do they know about contraception, abortion, relationships and love? Sexuality is a main issue in our lives and is especially significant in adolescence. Adolescent girls are hesitant, confused, and the vast amount of information on the internet is sometimes unreliable, and even dangerous. We will talk about how to discuss these topics with girls, to keep positive and open communication, to identify dangerous situations, and tools that we can give them to protect themselves. Studies frequently show how much girls long to be able to talk with their parents, need guidance, a good word, boundaries, and answers to questions that trouble them.

For more information and to book workshops:
Contact Mia Katz, workshop coordinator: